University of South Alabama Logo     
Policy No: 2040
Responsible Office: Computer Services Center
Last Review Date: 02/10/2022
Next Required Review: 02/10/2027
Policy No: 2040
Responsible Office: Computer Services Center
Last Review Date: 02/10/2022
Next Required Review: 02/10/2027

Campus Website

1. Purpose

本政策概述了用于管理在十大彩票网投平台网站上发布的电子文档的指导方针,以及网站内任何页面上材料的内容和呈现. 内容必须遵守有关非歧视的所有适用法律和美国政策和标准, libel and copyright, offensive material and visual identity.

2. Applicability

The policy applies to all individuals posting content to the University website. Typically, these individuals are considered "webmasters" for designated sites.  They  may be employees of Web Services, or other faculty and staff members responsible for posting and updating content.  此政策一般不适用于田径和美国卫生部门,因为他们运营不同的网站, 但他们在大学主网络服务器上的任何内容都受此政策的约束. 

3. Definitions

Domain: 一个网络域标识了一个组织在互联网上的存在,被认为是一个站点的名称. The domain name replaces the IP address and makes it easier for users to find the site. The domain name is what comes after the "www" in the web address.

Website: The term website may refer to the overall content maintained under a domain name such as 或者它可以指特定于学院、部门、中心或组织的网站,例如 or

Home Page: The first page of a group of related web pages.

Official Pages: 官方页面是那些公开访问的代表大学的电子文件, colleges, departments, offices, services or other units as well as officially registered student, faculty or staff organizations. All official pages are linked to the USA Home Page.

Personal Pages: 个人页面是那些存储在大学拥有的计算机上或使用大学互联网域(南阿拉巴马州)地址的页面.edu) or ( that are created by and represent only an individual, not USA. Personal pages will not be directly linked to the USA Home Page. They may be indirectly linked to the USA Home Page via a USA unit's web page.

USA Home Page: 构成美国万维网网站顶级页面的一组网页. This includes the home page and all subsequent related official pages. 美国主页包含一个链接到所有的官方网页,不管他们驻留在哪个web服务器上.

USA Unit: Official colleges, departments, offices, services or other organizations as well as officially registered student, faculty or staff organizations related to the University.

Web Page: A document presented on the World Wide Web; the document may consist of either a single home page or several related pages linked to the home page.

Copyright: The USA Home Page is an official publication of the University of South Alabama. Unless otherwise indicated, all text, 出现在美国主页上的照片和图形受版权保护,未经授权的个人或组织未经大学相关官员的书面许可不得复制.

4. Policy Guidelines

该政策概述了美国主页以及整个网站中各个学院和部门页面的格式要求. Rules for use of copyright content are states. Appropriate use of domain names is outlined.

4.1  Introduction

这些政策规范了代表十大彩票网投平台(美国)在万维网上可访问的电子文档的管理。. USA encourages contributions to its World Wide Website, 这些政策旨在指导这些捐款的准备和管理.

For many people, the USA Home Page ( and its associated web pages are the first point of contact with the University. 美国大学出版的电子信息质量对维护大学的良好声誉和形象至关重要. Thus, 美国主页上的信息与印刷出版物的政策和标准相同. 这些政策设定了最低标准,旨在确保以电子方式发布的信息准确无误, visually appealing, 表述清晰,并遵循与其他形式的出版信息相同的高标准.


美国主页由美国计算机服务中心(CSC)网络服务组维护. 美国主页包括提供大学一般信息的顶级页面, a site index, directories, search engines and menu pages with links to departmental or organizational unit pages. While certain faculty and staff will be responsible for editing, adding or removing content from departmental and organizational unit pages, the entire site remains the property of the University.

互联网/网站咨询委员会负责制定和执行网络政策条款. 有关网络政策应用的问题应提交给该委员会.

4.2  Official Pages

官方网页必须遵守有关非歧视的所有适用法律和美国政策和标准, libel and copyright, offensive material and visual identity. 一个页面可能被认为是冒犯性的,仅仅包含一个直接链接到另一个页面,可能由其他个人或组织维护,呈现冒犯性的材料.

Do not publish the work of others in web pages without their express permission. And do not use trademarked logos, musical selections, images or graphics belonging to another organization or individual without permission.

不鼓励在官方页面上选择音乐背景,除非它们与美国单位直接相关或可识别. In any event, proper copyright clearinghouse permission must be obtained before the music can be used.

The USA web server ( is intended for use as a web server only. 该服务器不能用于存储数据,否则将存储在脱机或部门LAN服务器或工作站上. 非常大的文件(超过1MB的)不应该存储在美国web服务器上,除非它们是网站本身不可分割的一部分. 非常大的文件将被美国网络服务人员删除,如果该组织的网站管理员不自愿删除这些文件. Any files not accessed in 24 months are subject to being archived after notification. 官方组织在没有美国网站管理员明确许可的情况下,总共限制为50MB的磁盘空间.

Official organizations may purchase and use a domain name other than if it is in the best interest of the University. 所有域名在注册前都将得到美国网络服务公司的事先批准. It is the desire of the University to utilize the domain name wherever it is practical and in the best interest of the University. Domain names such as and are encouraged instead of names such as and


Applies to All pages (CMS and Non CMS)

    • Official University of South Alabama logo and/or watermark;
    • Name and E-mail link to the person or USA unit responsible for maintaining the page.

Applies to Non CMS pages

    • A link to the USA Home Page selectable from the USA logo or watermark graphic; 
    • Date of last update, recommended format: MM/DD/YYYY;
    • URL address of the page;
    • 链接在美国单位的主页底部到十大彩票网投平台的主页在

5. Procedures

Not Applicable.

6. Enforcement

If content is not found to be in compliance with formatting and branding standards, Web Services may edit or remove it from a site. 任何冒犯或不适当的内容可能会被删除,并通知网站管理员. 上传至网站的pdf或其他文件如不符合无障碍指引,可能会被删除. 过时的内容可能会被删除,如果它没有更新要求部门网站管理员.

7. Related Documents

Not Applicable. 

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